Evaluation of lifestyle, food consumption and nutrient intake patterns among irish teenagers

Auteur(s) :
Corish C., Hurson M.
Date :
Oct, 1997
Source(s) :
Irish journal of medical science. #166:4 p225-230
Adresse :
Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute, Dublin, Ireland.

Sommaire de l'article

Lifestyle, food consumption and nutrient intake patterns from a randomly selected group of 390 secondary pupils aged between 12-18 were evaluated. Demographic information and anthropometric measurements included weight, height, and skinfold thickness were taken. Nutrient intake was assessed using the 7-day dietary history method, using a photographic atlas as an aid. Mean energy intakes for boys and girls aged 12-15 and 15-18 were 11.3MJ and 14MJ and 9.1MJ and 8.9MJ respectively. As percentage energy, protein fat and carbohydrate intakes varied little between the different age-sex groupings and were approximately 13.7-14.5, 35.4-37 and 46.8-50 per cent respectively. For boys micronutrient intake for iron and folate achieving only 83 and 78 per cent and 98 and 90 per cent of the recommended nutrient intake (R.N.I.) for ages 12-15 and 15-18 respectively. Mean dietary fibre intakes were approximately 19.6-25g/day for boys aged 12-18 and 17g/day for girls of a similar age. The main sources of energy were bread, meat and meat products, potatoes/chips, confectionery and preserves. Fruit and vegetable consumption was low for all groups. The majority of those surveyed consumed the traditional main meals. Snacking was also common practice. The snack foods consumed were generally of a high fat/high sugar content. 1.1 per cent boys and 2.6 per cent of girls aged 12-15 and 5.5 per cent and 8.2 per cent of boys and girls aged 15-18 respectively had a BMI greater than 26 indicating a risk of overweight. Greater than 68 per cent of girls and 79.5 per cent of boys surveyed participated in some form of sport. Boys were more physically active than girls and older girls less active than younger. In conclusion, changes from present day practices would be beneficial to reduce incidence of chronic disease for present day teenagers.

Source : Pubmed