Children’s knowledge of packaged and fast food brands and their BMI. Why the relationship matters for policy makers.

Auteur(s) :
Cornwell TB., McAlister AR., Polmear-Swendris N.
Date :
Juin, 2014
Source(s) :
Appetite. #81 p277-83
Adresse :
University of Oregon, 1208 University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business, Eugene, OR 97403, USA. Electronic address: [email protected]

Sommaire de l'article

Studies regarding the advancing challenges of obesity in many countries are beginning to converge on the importance of early food exposure and consumption patterns. Across two studies (Study 1, 34 boys, 35 girls; Study 2, 40 boys, 35 girls, ages 3-6), child knowledge of brands offering products high in sugar, salt and fat was shown to be a significant predictor of child BMI, even after controlling for their age and gender and when also considering the extent of their TV viewing. Additionally, two different collage measures of brand knowledge (utilized across the two studies) performed similarly, suggesting that this measure may be serving as a surrogate indicator of an overall pattern of product exposure and consumption. Policy implications are discussed.

Source : Pubmed