Great differences in antioxidant properties exist between 56 apple cultivars and vegetation seasons

Auteur(s) :
Calatayud Moscoso Del Prado B., Przeradzka M., Binkowska M.
Date :
Nov, 2005
Source(s) :
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. #53:23 p8970-8978
Adresse :
Addresses: Lata B (reprint author), Agr Univ Warsaw, Dept Pomol & Basic Nat Sci Hort, Nowoursynowska 159, PL-02776 Warsaw Poland Agr Univ Warsaw, Dept Pomol & Basic Nat Sci Hort, PL-02776 Warsaw Poland E-mail Addresses: [email protected]

Sommaire de l'article

The contents of ascorbate, thiols, and phenolic compounds and antioxidative enzyme activity were measured in the apple peel of 56 genotypes after harvest in two vegetation seasons, 2003 and 2004. The main reason of great interest in these bioactive compounds is their well-established physiological role in all living systems. The biggest differences between tested genotypes were noted for ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase (GR) activity, followed by total ascorbate, phenolics, and glutathione concentration; the least difference was observed in the case of catalase. A large cultivar variation was noted in the anthocyanins and flavonols contents. Distinguishing the cultivars with the lowest, highest, relatively stable or those in which antioxidant content greatly differed depending on growing seasons was attempted. The GR activity is proposed as an environmental stress marker of apple fruit.

Source : Pubmed