Health Behaviors and Work-related Outcomes among School Employees.

Auteur(s) :
LeCheminant JD., Merrill RM., Masterson TD.
Date :
Mai, 2015
Source(s) :
American journal of health behavior. #39:3 p345-51
Adresse :
Brigham Young University, Department of Exercise Sciences, Provo, UT, USA. [email protected].

Sommaire de l'article

To determine the association between selected health behaviors and work-related outcomes among 2398 school-based employees who voluntarily enrolled in a worksite wellness program.

This study presents participants' baseline data collected from a personal health assessment used by Well-Steps, a third-party wellness company.

Employees with high levels of exercise, fruit/vegetable consumption, or restful sleep exhibited higher job-performance and job-satisfaction, and lower absenteeism (p < .05). When all 3 behaviors occurred simultaneously, there was higher job-performance (Prevalence Ratio=1.09; 95% CI=1.05-1.13), job-satisfaction (Prevalence Ratio=1.53; 95% CI=1.30-1.80), and lower absenteeism (Prevalence Ratio=1.16; 95% CI=1.08-1.325). Further, number of co-occurring health behaviors influenced other satisfaction and emotional health outcomes.

Selected healthy behaviors, individually or co-occurring, are associated with health outcomes potentially important at the worksite.

Source : Pubmed