The reach of a computer-tailored nutrition education program in the dutch heart health community intervention « hartslag limburg ».

Auteur(s) :
Brug J., Van Assema P., Steenbakkers M., Ronda G., Quaedvlieg M.
Date :
Sep, 2006
Source(s) :
Journal of nutrition education and behavior. #38:5 p293-7
Adresse :
Department of Health Education and Promotion, Maastricht University, The Netherlands. [email protected]

Sommaire de l'article

OBJECTIVE: To study the reach of an efficacious, computer-tailored nutrition education tool in a field setting.

DESIGN: Data from self-administered questionnaires were used.

SETTING: The computer-tailored nutrition education tool (CTT) was adopted by a regional public health service organization and implemented in a regional heart-health community project.

PARTICIPANTS: The 1293 inhabitants of the region that requested the computer nutrition education tool during a 25-month implementation period.

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Demographic characteristics; intake of fat, fruit, and vegetables; and psychosocial behavioral determinants.

ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics.

RESULTS: The CTT reached almost 1% of the targeted population. Most participants were female (82%), and almost half were low educated. Many participants had diets higher in fat and lower in fruits and vegetables than recommended, were unaware of their unfavorable diets, and had low self-efficacy and intentions towards change.

CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Only a small, but possibly important, part of the target population was reached. Additional ways to reach more people should be explored.

Source : Pubmed