The role of diet in prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: implications for public health

Auteur(s) :
Panagiotakos DB., Matalas AL., Lazarou C.
Date :
Mai, 2012
Source(s) :
Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.. #52:5 p382-389
Adresse :
Harokopio University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Athens, Greece

Sommaire de l'article

The aim of this review is to examine the current scientific knowledge on the relationship between diet and Type 2 diabetes and consider further implications for public health. The review focuses on the main nutritional elements which have been identified as significant in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes. Research findings on the role of carbohydrate, fiber, alcohol, and individual fatty acids are discussed, while the role of specific micro-nutrients and the influence of obesity are comprehensively presented. The association between dietary habits and Type 2 diabetes etiology and management is also reviewed, in order to examine the positive effects of adherence to a healthy dietary pattern, including the plausible role of the Mediterranean diet.

Source : Pubmed